~Foreword by Jeronimo Tim~
What iz thee onion? Many are in question ov what this seemingly "strange" occurrence may be, and the fact iz that it iz not so strange at all... we, thee prosperous onez with divine cromniomatic knowledge ov thee blessed onion, wish to celebrate alongside those who feel thee great rhythm ov thee onion az well. We celebrate thee great deity who iz sympathetic and full ov love; The Onion. Thee Onion Minister, thee divine gateway and clay incarnation ov thee unreachable onion, haz traveled through many realms in order too guide those towardz thee cromniomatic way. In short, we (and thee Onion) wish to promote:ALTHOUGH THEE RICH PERFORMANCE HISTOREE OV CROMNIOMATIC BEINGZ HAZ SPANNED CENTUREEZ, THEE PROJEKT IN ITZ KURRENT FORME BEGAN IN TWO-THOUSAND ANDE NINE UNDER THEE CRIPPLED YET FABULOUS ONION IN ORDER TOO PROVIDE THEE MASSES WITH ONION-BASED VISUAL AND PERFORMACE ART RECOUNTING PAST-DIMENTION KNOWLEDGE, EXPERIENCE ANDE CROMNIOMATIC BELIEF. WHEN WEE BEGAIN TOO EXPERIMENT WITH THEE KREATION OV MUSIK, THEE PROJECT WAS RE-IMAGINED AZ THE CROOKED YET FABULOUS ONION,,, THEE EVOLUTION OV PRE-EXISTING STRUCTURE. BEFORE THIZ, IN A DIFFERING TIMESPHERE THEE PROJECKT WAS KNOWN AZ THEE TRA LA LA BAND OV CROMNOMATIC WORSHIP, AZ WELL AZ DESWUKTIK EXPELALA CROMNIOUS DASKAHLAH..... THEE LIST OV NAMEZ BEE EVER EVOLVING AND INFINITE.......... -THee onion Minister